Papers and notes

On 13th October 2016, the annual dissertation evening provided a most welcome opportunity for current students to get tips and advice on the work ahead from the best authors of 2015. Grateful thanks go to Adam Beaumont, Alan Midgley, Michelle Wright and Nathan Cosh for passing on their experiences

HS2: The hybrid Bill and its journey to Royal assent -PowerPoint slides from a Presentation to members of the KCCLA & CICES by Andy Taylor, Head of Public Affairs HS2, on 6 November, 2013

Northern line extension - PowerPoint slides from a Presentation to the Chartered Institute of Building by David Leboff, Transport for London project sponsor, on July 16, 2013.

'Construction joint ventures - anomaly or breakthrough?' - PowerPoint slides from the KCCLA and Sweet & Maxwell Fifteenth Annual Lecture, given by Dr David Mosey, (soon to be) Professor of Law and Director of the Centre of Construction Law at King's College, London, and Consultant to Trowers & Hamlins LLP, on April 25, 2013.

A global forecast for the construction industry over the next decade to 2020 - a paper following a review of the ten year economic forecast of the global construction market, published by Global Construction Perspectives and Oxford Economics, given by Graham Robinson on 21 October 2010.

NEC v JCT: mutual trust and co-operation v good faith and spirit of trust and respect? Blog following the KCCLA and Sweet & Maxwell Twelfth Annual Lecture on 20 April 2010.

'Crossrail to Delivery' - slides from a talk by Rob Holden on 25 February 2010.

'Why NEC when you can IChemE?' - slides from a talk by Gordon H Bateman on 21 January 2010.

'JCT Contract in a Cold Climate' - slides and notes from two talks at a lecture on 18 February 2009.

'Maximising Success in EU Procurement Creating a balance for Public and Private Sectors' from a seminar on 12 June 2008